St. Clement Roman Catholic Parish

Being Poor in Spirit
Do I take care of the goods I own?
Do I contribute to my church?
Do I always purchase whatever I want, whether I need it or not?
Do I have more possessions than I need?
Do I share with those in need?​

Seeking Holiness
Do I strive to do God's will?
Do I look for spiritual direction when I need it?
Do I read and listen to Sacred Scripture to learn how to imitate Christ?
Do I go to confession and receive Holy Communion regularly?
Do I seek to imitate Christ's life and actions?
Do I devote specific time to prayer and learning my faith better?

Comforting Those Who Mourn
Do I pray for those who are suffering?
Do I comfortable those obviously in pain?
Do I accept suffering willingly?
Do I offer my suffering so as to make up for sin?
Do I accept correction with a smile?
Do I brag about my accomplishments?
Do I correct others with gentleness?
Do I seek the best place for myself?
When things go wrong do I get upset or angry?
Purity of Heart
Do I strive to live according to the teachings of the Church? Do I do so with love or grudgingly?
Do I turn to Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary in prayer when I am tempted?
Do I seek advice in confession regarding the virtue of purity?
Do I ask the assistance of my guardian angel when I am tempted?
Do I avoid the influence of those who think and act in an impure way?
Do I avoid places where I may be tempted against purity?
Do I know the truths of the Church?
Do I strive to understand these truths and accept them completely?

Being Merciful
Do I ask for the grace to forgive others easily?
Do I have compassion for those who suffer?
Do I keep in mind the many times Christ has shown mercy to me?
Do I try to avoid grudges against those who offend me?
Do I try to forget the offences of others as quickly as I wish my offences to be forgotten?

Being a Peacemaker
Do I accept that others have opinions contrary to mine?
Do I seek to win in every discussion?
Do I see others as adversaries?
Do I disagree without being disagreeable?
Do I ask the Holy Spirit for assistance in seeking the truth?
Being Willing to Suffer Persecution
Do I pray daily for those Christians suffering persecution?
Do I encourage others to stand up for what is right?
Do I support my friends who do stand up for what is right?
Do I offer my suffering for those who persecute me?
Do I turn to Christ and ask for his help when tempted to go along with the crowd?